Sunday, January 24, 2016

Goodreads Reading Goal

Some of us read every second of the day, and it is completely natural to prioritise it over silly things such as school, work, and food. Some of us need a little poking and prodding to really get into reading, or to try to finish a book in less than a week or two. 

Since the former is obviously the better and healthier state of living to be in, how can those us of not so inclined to jump into more books become more literary? A good start is to create a Goodreads account (or sign in if you already have one) and create a reading goal. It's simple- all you have to do is come up with the number of books you want to read in 2016, and hit enter. Having this goal set, and seeing how empty the progress bar is can really prompt a person into reading more, especially if they don't want their 2016 goal to be as much of a failure as the 2015 one. 

To update how many books you've read, just find the book on the Goodreads database and mark it as read. If you've perused the website and found some really awesome books that you want to read, there's a "shelf" for those books too. 

For 2016, I have made the goal to read 50 books this year. 

Farewell, and praise literacy!

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